Chris Malta's EBiz Insider Podcast: How EBiz Scams Affect YOU | Chris Malta's EBiz Insider Podcast (2025)

Aug 19, 2024

Everybody who decides to open a home-based ECommerce business isgoing to come across a huge variety of scams. It's unavoidable;there are literally thousands of people out there who will lie toyou and try to cheat you out of tens of thousands of dollars. Learnwhat happens, how to avoid it, and what the true cost is.

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Everybody who decides to open a home based e commerce businessis going to come across a huge variety of scams. It'sunavoidable.

There are literally thousands of people out there who will lieto you and try to cheat you out of tens of thousands of dollars.They know they're lying, they know they're cheating. They know theycould be prosecuted and sued for what they do, but the money is sogood for them that they just can't resist.

You're listening to this podcast, which means you either have aninterest in starting an online business, or you already have anECommerce business.

If you're just starting out and you haven't spent any money yet,you're one of the very lucky few who just might make this happenwithout getting screwed to a wall financially.

If you have an existing eBiz, there's a 97% chance it isn'tmaking you any real money, then an unbelievable 90% plus chancethat you've been cheated out of at least $15,000. Possibly as muchas 35 to $40,000.

I've been very successful in online business for over 30 years.I've been teaching online business since 2009. I easily have overten thousand hours of ECommerce mentoring under my belt.

More than 80% of the people I've taught had been cheated out oftens of thousands of dollars by multiple ECommerce scams.

These eBiz scammers run in packs like rabid wolves. They hunttogether to take you down and pass you around in order to squeezeevery last dime from you. For absolutely useless apps, tools andservices that will never work.

Does that sound like a conspiracy theory? If you're one of thevery few who hasn't been nailed by this stuff, yet, it may soundlike that.

But to the more than 90% of those who listen to this podcast whohave spent money with these dirtbags, you already know, don'tyou?

The minute you sign up for a free trial website, an eBiz app ortool, attend a "mastermind" webinar, sign up for a mailing list, goto a hotel seminar or take advice from a public "experts" forum,these people have you hooked.

More importantly, they have your email address and possibly evenyour phone number, if you gave it to them.

If you didn't, they'll try to look it up online through variousphone location services. So how do they hook you? They makepromises they can't keep. Please understand this. Nobody canpromise you success. Nobody can guarantee that you'll make money,not in any kind of business, not ever.

But these people will do that all day long. They'll show youfake websites that they claim make millions of dollars. They'llshow you bank statements that are Photoshopped to look like theyhave money coming in every day.

They'll give you testimonials from people who claim to make tonsof money from their systems. Those people work for them. They'renot real eBiz owners.

They will absolutely guarantee your success in a very shortperiod of time and tell you how easy it's going to be. They'll tellyou that they'll do most of the work for you.

Then they'll actually go online with you and help you apply for40 or $50,000 worth of credit cards that you then max out withthem.

And they'll tell you it's okay, because they'll promise youyou'll make all that money back within a few months and pay offthose cards. But it won't happen.

They'll tell you it's okay to take out a $70,000 mortgage onyour house and spend it with them, because you'll make the moneyback in a few months. But it won't happen.

I'm not just speaking in general terms here. Everything I'vesaid has actually happened to people I've personally worked with inmy Education, talked to over the phone, or have met in person. Allof it with those actual numbers.

Keep these following things in mind. Write them down, stick themup with a fridge magnet, whatever you have to do.

Anybody who tells you that Amazon, eBay, affiliate marketing,template based websites, SEO apps and tools, private labeling,importing from China, using AliExpress, outsourcing your marketingand graphics, or that you'll make good money quickly online in anyway, is absolutely flat out lying to you.

I will guarantee that.

So, like I said, better than 80% of the people listening to thispodcast have already been burned this way. If it happened to you, Igive you tremendous amounts of credit for even being here at all.Most people just curl up into a ball and sob for weeks.

Then spend the next 10 years trying to dig themselves out of allthat debt, working three jobs and selling half theirpossessions.

If it's not happened to you yet, be very aware that when youstep into home based ECommerce, you're stepping into a liveminefield in the dark, wearing clown shoes and pushing a 30 footwide lawn roller right in front of you.

If that sounds really scary, good. It's meant to.

But being victimized like that robs you of something far worsethan money.

It robs you of your self confidence, your self esteem, and yourtrust in your own decision making ability.

It robs you of your ability to trust other people.

It affects your entire life, your personal relationships, yourfamily members, your living situation, and your ability to supportyourself and your family,.

Your entire future is forever changed by something like that.Most people who have been hit hard by these sickening scammers endup feeling deeply personally violated, and many end up sufferingfrom years of depression or other psychological damage. Thecountless number of people I've had conversations with over theyears who have been victimized in this way tell me that they feelfoolish or even stupid for allowing this to happen to them.

If you're one of those people, you can't put that onyourself.

You were lied to. You were cheated. You were victimized.

The people who do this to you are very, very good at what theydo. They know the psychology, they know the buzzwords, they play onyour emotions and your desire to better your life, and theylie.

It's not the fault of the victim, it's the fault of thevictimizer.

I personally am a big believer in karma. What goes around comesaround, and karma can be a Screaming Banshee on a rocket sled whenit needs to be.

I almost pity those victimizers when it catches up to them, andit will. I ALMOST pity them.

Okay, if you can't tell by now, I get really fired up about thiswhole thing. It disgusts me. It makes me wish I could sit thosescammers down one at a time in a room with all the people they'vehurt and make them look those people in the eyes and really see themonetary and psychological ruin they create every single day.

There are two reasons I feel that way. First, hey, I'm human,just like anybody else. I've actually listened to those victimstell those stories, literally thousands of them over all the yearsthat I've been trying to help people understand this business indifferent ways.

It's taken its toll on me too. I've listened to people on theother end of the phone who are literally sobbing about all themoney they've lost. How horrible they feel about themselves. Howthey don't know what they're going to do when their spouse orfamily finds out.

That's no exaggeration. It's absolutely true, and it'sheartbreaking to hear over and over and over again from so manypeople for so many years.

The other reason is because this is my chosen industry. I washere over 30 years ago at the very beginning. I actually HAVE mademillions in this business because I don't just talk about it.

I do all the things I talk about, and seeing these frauds doingso many bad things to so many good people is just incrediblyfrustrating.

It also ends up making me look guilty by association. It'sharder for me to actually tell people the truth and help thembecause they've already been burned so badly and simply have notrust left to give.

Anyway, I'll end this rant with a really serious warning.

Be very careful out there.

I've told you what to look for. It's no joke. If you've beenvictimized, that was not your fault. If you haven't, they're comingfor you. Don't let them get you.

If you'd like to hear the truth about this business for once,and if you're willing to extend just a little bit of trust just onemore time, talk to me. You can call or join one of my free ECommerce Q & A Meetings any time. No pitch, nopressure, just the first real conversation you'll ever have aboutselling online.

Thanks for listening, and I'll catch you next time.

Chris Malta's EBiz Insider Podcast: How EBiz Scams Affect YOU | Chris Malta's EBiz Insider Podcast (2025)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.